Gabriel here.

Let’s do philosophy with kids.

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, yet somehow, from the moment we are born, we start figuring out how to be people and how to exist in the world with each other. As we get older, we have words to express our curiosity and develop a deeper understanding of life and what it means to be human.

That’s called philosophy. And kids are born philosophers.


Philosophy & Kids

What is philosophy exactly?

Philosophy is kind of a science for understanding life. You do experiments by using your experiences, questions, and interactions with others to explore why we each do what we do, why we think what we think, and why we feel what we feel. Through curiosity and inquiry, philosophy helps you learn how to think and to reach a deeper understanding of knowledge, ethics, reasoning, and the value of things.


Do kids understand philosophy?

Kids may not know the word ‘philosophy’, but they are natural philosophers. We all are. Just talk to a 4 or 5 year old, and you will most likely hear: ‘Why?’ ‘Why?’ ‘Why?’. That’s philosophy in action. Even without language, from the moment a baby is born, it starts exploring and learning the basics of human life and how the world works by gathering experiences, like feeling hunger, putting a toy in its mouth, or watching its parents talk to each other. This natural curiosity is the starting point and backbone of philosophy. As a child learns to talk and its brain continues to develop, questions and exploration, i.e. philosophizing, become more complex and deepens, all the way into adulthood.

Why philosophize with kids? What’s the benefit?

Kids being natural philosophers means that, like all people, they are going to philosophize their way through life, whether they know it or not. With active guidance from a teacher, a child can develop life-long skills, such as how to:

  • Understand themselves and their relationships with people and the world
  • Respect, appreciate, and empathize with their own and others’ diverse ideas, thoughts, and feelings
  • Think critically
  • Express themselves clearly and confidently
  • Recognize their moral compass and what it means

What I offer



I offer philosophy workshops with children and youth. Each session is tailored to children’s ages and needs. You can contact me directly for a personalized plan.

Generally, I work with children in groups for 60 to 90 minutes. They are encouraged to explore themes and questions related to philosophy, such as what is freedom?, what are feelings?, or what makes a good friend?, what are rules?. Different materials and tools, such as games, stories, books, videos, and audio, are used to encourage reflection and analysis of their own and others’ ideas as well as imagined scenarios, also known as thought experiments.

For 6 to 12 year olds: A question is introduced through storytelling using tools and materials such as picture books, photographs, or short video clips that frame a particular issue. The teacher supports the kids in discussing and exploring the question and issue by providing additional questions and examples. The teacher’s role is also to encourage a respectful and inclusive discussion environment. The unit ends with each child sharing her or his thoughts about the discussion and what they experienced inside themselves and with the other participants.

For 13 to 18 year olds: Questions or themes are introduced using tools and materials such as personal storytelling, video clips, photographs, music clips, and short texts. The kids discuss the question(s) or theme(s) drawing on the tools and materials as well as their own experiences. With children in this age range, the teacher’s primary role is to facilitate a respectful and inclusive discussion environment and to take part in the discussion as an equal participant. The aim is to create a space where kids become their own guides by learning how to explore thoughts and ideas together in a respectful, inclusive, and in-depth way. The unit ends with key takeaways and the kids sharing their thoughts about the session, what they learned about themselves and the others, and how they felt about the experience.

My qualifications and experience

For over 10 years, I have been studying and teaching philosophy at universities worldwide: from Romania to Canada, to Slovenia, and now here in Vienna, Austria. Along the way I completed a PhD and two Master’s degrees in philosophy. In 2019, I became a certified teacher of philosophy for children. Most recently, I have been working with the Wiener Institut für Kinderphilosophie (WIKiPhilo) as a discussion leader, or ‘Gesprächsleiter’.


Why work with me?

Good question. What do you think?

Each person has their own reasons why they work with me. For some, a friend’s positive recommendation makes the difference. For others, they like what they read on my website and my qualifications and experience. Some people find those reasons through emailing and calling me.

If it helps, I can offer my own perspective as a parent: if I were looking for someone to philosophize with my 10 year old son, I would want an experienced and knowledgeable philosopher who has a big heart and is full of excitement for philosophy and working with kids. An important characteristic would also be someone who finds value and joy in continuously learning and growing both as a philosophy teacher and everyday person.

What matters to you?

This is me